The ultimate motive of the Rouha Educational Society is to improve the living standard of society through the growth of educational activities.
Our Key Projects/Initiatives are as below:
Construction of academic blocks for already existing government institutes. There are lots of projects that have been completed by the Rouha Educational Society where new academic blocks have been established by this NGO.
Establishment of classrooms where there is a scarcity of such facilities of classrooms. Furher, Rouha Educational Society is also providing the state of the art class room facilities to the students of government institutes.
Establishment of solar systems
Establishment of solar systems for educational institutes to continue uninterrupted education activities. In the current era there is severe issue of energy in Pakistan. Therefore, Rouha Educational Society is providing the solar facility to various educational institutes to carry on the uninterrupted educational process.
Setting up of a Water Filtration Plant for the provision of clean and healthy water. Clean water is also necessary for all. In Pakistan the unclean water is very dangerous for all and causing lots of diseases of liver and kidneys. Therefore, Rouha organizations is also focusing on the health of the students.
Construction of Roads
Our organization is also constructing small roads for various localities so that smooth transport can be possible.
Provision of Electric fans.
Rouha is also providing the electric equipments to various schools, colleges and other educational institutes. Such as the provision of electric fans. These fans are helpful for students in Summar season.
Provision of Electric Water Coolers
Electric water cooler are necessary during the season of summar. Especially for the students of small classes.
Green Movement i.e. Plantation of trees at different spots of Burewala.
Donation of books to needy students.
Offering scholarships to talented as well as to the deprived students.
Giving Qarz-e-Hasna.
Rescue Efforts.
Annual Prize Distribution Ceremonies.
Related: Noor-ul-Shifa Free Dispernary – Burewala
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